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Influencer Bonuses LiveGood

For Affiliates who choose to market products to Retail Customers on a larger scale, you will earn additional bonuses on all of that volume. In fact, you will earn up to 100% of the difference between the Member price and the Retail price on all orders by your referred Retail Customers.

Influencer Bonuses are paid exclusively based on Personally Enrolled Retail Volume per month, regardless of rank.

Example: If you have over $25,000 in Retail Customer Volume in a given month, and the Member Pricing for that volume totals $17,000, for example, the difference between the Member Price and the Retail Price is $8,000. You will earn 50% ($4,000) in Retail Commissions, plus an additional 40% ($3,200) in Influencer Bonuses for a total of $7,200 in commissions on that volume!

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